Welcome to the RiskNZ Awards of Excellence 2025

Welcome to the RiskNZ Awards of Excellence 2025.

We are proud to announce that the 2025 Awards will open for nominations on Thursday 13th February 2025.

This year the wards will be part of the annual New Zealand Risk & Resilience Summit 2025 | 22-23rd July 2025.

RiskNZ Awards of Excellence consists of four award categories acknowledging those who are embedding risk management approaches within normal business practice and making it part of everyday thinking.

Our most coveted awards are the ‘Risk Professional of the Year’ and ‘Emerging Risk Professional of the Year’, with these two award categories open to RiskNZ members only.  Our two remaining categories are open to both RiskNZ members and non-members within New Zealand.

Finalists and winners will feature in our mailer, RiskNZ Linkedin, and on our website.

  • Coming up soon – Meet the Judges
  • Please ensure you’ve submitted your entry by Thursday 27th March 2025


Nominate someone you know or yourself

Awards Timeline

RiskNZ Awards of Excellence 2025 Sponsor Opportunity

Inquiries are now being taken for the RiskNZ Awards of Excellence Sponsor Opportunity.

To discuss this further, please contact RiskNZ CEO, David Turner [email protected]

RiskNZ Awards of Excellence 2025 Categories and Criteria

1. Risk Professional of the Year

This category is open to RiskNZ members (an Individual Member or listed as part of an existing Corporate Membership). *note this is an individual award.

Entrants should demonstrate their sustained risk leadership and their contribution in making a significant difference to their organisation, clients, or the wider risk management community/industry. Entrants will show mature practice in supporting teams to better manage risk and to achieve business goals. They will have the competence and mana to work with and influence at an executive or governance level.

The judges are looking for evidence of the individual’s effective risk management leadership; strategic and operational thinking; excellent communication skills, the ability to demonstrate positive impacts, while also being respected by their peers.

Applicants should additionally submit a summary CV as supporting information, showcasing highlights from their risk management career.

2. Emerging Risk Professional of the Year

This category is open to RiskNZ members (an Individual Member or listed as part of an existing Corporate Membership). *note this is an individual award.

Entrants in this category should be relatively new to a career in organisational risk management and must have worked in a risk related role for less than five years.

The judges are looking for individuals that can demonstrate that they have contributed to the measurement, management and/or mitigation of risk within their organisation over the last 18 months. Judges will be seeking evidence of strong organisation; planning; negotiating and influencing, and communication skills which are all important attributes of an aspiring risk manager. Successful entrants will be able to provide evidence of one or more of these skills.

Applicants should additionally submit a summary CV as supporting information, illustrating progression within their risk management career.

3. Networking and Partnerships in Risk Management

This category is open to RiskNZ members and non-members. Entrants in this category can be an individual, team or organisation.

The judges are looking for entrants that can demonstrate how collaboration across teams or organisations can effectively manage risk, strengthen strategic delivery and deliver results. This award will be shared across those teams or organisations and provides an excellent opportunity to demonstrate strategic advantage in partnerships.

4. “Innovation” – Managing risk during times of significant change

This award is open to RiskNZ members and non-members. Entrants in this category can be an individual, team or organisation.

This award recognises and celebrates innovative practices or approaches. It’s likely this innovation has translated into ongoing business practice for your organisation or your client, and is continuing to demonstrate value, adaptability and business stability. Whilst benefits may not be fully realised yet, the promise is there and you’re excited to share what this could become for your organisation.

Guide to entering the RiskNZ Awards of Excellence 2025 and Key Dates

  • RiskNZ awards are free to enter, although some categories are restricted to RiskNZ members only.
  • Each submission should be 1,500 words or less and should meet the award criteria outlined. You can submit using the online form.
  • We have weighted the criteria so you can see what we’re looking for. Judges are looking for examples from your recent work.
  • If you decide to enter into more than one award category, please submit a separate entry for each category but each one should be specifically tailored to the relevant Award category.
  • We will be looking for evidence that your achievements are sustainable over time, support better decision making and have added real value to your organisation (i.e. your references should reflect this).
  • You are welcome to include supporting materials. You can include supplementary information (up to four-pages) with your entry which can include photos, diagrams or charts. You will need to provide one written reference and one additional reference which we may contact for further information.
  • Nominations open Thursday 13th February 2025 close on Thursday 27th March 2025.
  • Judging will take place during April and May 2025.
  • Finalists will be announced in the first week of July 2025 ahead of the RiskNZ Awards of Excellence presentation at New Zealand Risk & Resilience Summit 22-23 July 2025.

Terms and Conditions - RiskNZ Awards of Excellence 2025

  1. Applicants should make sure they have the necessary authority from their organisation to enter the awards.
  2. Applications should specifically reflect the criteria of the Award Category. Multiple applications using identical content will be withdrawn.
  3. RiskNZ will ensure information contained within applications remain confidential to RiskNZ and the judging panel. However, applicants should ensure that they do not include information that might be considered confidential or sensitive by their company. We recommend that entrants protect any intangible assets (IP etc.) or aspects of their business that may be patentable.
  4. Applications are limited to 1,500 words. Supplementary information (maximum four pages) of supporting material such as diagrams and illustrations may accompany the entry. Applications must be submitted online.
  5. The judges may move applicants from one category to another if they believe that it is appropriate. We’ll contact you if this is likely to happen.
  6. RiskNZ may withdraw an award application should it be discovered that it includes false information. RiskNZ may audit information supplied in your entry.
  7. The judges may highly commend awards in any category.
  8. The judges may also choose not to issue a shortlist, or make an award if in their view, the applications submitted do not meet the required standard. Our judge’s decisions are final. Interviews with shortlisted applicants may be required (by phone or video conferencing).
  9. RiskNZ would like award winners to participate in post-awards publicity, including photographs. RiskNZ will publicise the results of our awards via mechanisms such as press releases, social media and case study coverage in RiskNZ’s publication RiskPost and online.
  10. We’d love to celebrate with you, and encourage award winners or those shortlisted, to promote their achievements through their own press releases and social media.
  11. By entering the RiskNZ Awards of Excellence, you agree to the above

Winners from last year

Winners RiskNZ Awards of Excellence 2024

Risk Professional of the Year
Winner: Rodney Young
Networking and Partnerships in Risk Management
Winners: Charlotte Brown and Helen Ferner
Emerging Risk Professional of the Year
Winner: Tom Logan
“Innovation” – Managing Risk during times of significant change
Winners: Charlotte Brown and Helen Ferner