Membership Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to RiskNZ’s Membership FAQs. Here you will find your top-of-mind questions, related to your member account information and how you can access and use RiskNZ’s Member Area and Member Resources,

We encourage you to have a look over these. If you find you need information that is not contained here, please do not hesitate to write to [email protected]

Individual Membership

How do I login to the Members Area?

To access the Member Area you must have an active RiskNZ membership. If you are a RiskNZ Member then you will need log in here.

How can I access and use the Member Resources?

Once logged in navigate to Member Resources and you are can view and download any of our Resources.

How can I participate in RiskNZ activities?

All upcoming RiskNZ activities are listed on the website and these are updated regularly. To participate in RiskNZ activities please navigate to the Activities page. Locate the activity you wish to partake in, click into that activity and follow the registration prompt specified (such as completing a form).

How do I update or modify my membership account information?

To update or modify your membership account information, please log into your account here. Once logged in navigate to My Account and under the Account details tab you will be able to modify and update your information.

How can I complete my RiskNZ Membership subscription payment?

You can complete a Membership subscription payment here.

Please fill in all the relevant details, so we can match them to your records and verify who you are. Please note if you are applying for a RiskNZ Membership your application will first need to be accepted.

How can I reset my password if I have misplaced it?

If you have misplaced your password please reset it here.

Corporate Membership

Will every Team Member have his/her unique login? Can I enable Team Member logins as a Corporate Team Manager?

Yes, every team member will have their own individual login.

Yes, as a team manager you are in control of your team and you have the ability to send out team invites, these invites will prompt the recipients to set-up and create their own accounts. As a team manager, you also have the ability to remove team members.

How can I add team members or modify their details in the Corporate Membership?

To have the ability to add team members you must be the team manager.

To add a team member please log into your account here. Once logged in navigate to My Account and under the Teams tab, you will see an ‘Add Member’ tab. You have two ways to invite someone to join your team,

1). Registration link – simply copy the unique registration link and send it to whoever you wish to join the team. The recipient can then follow the link, set-up a create their account (this account will sit under your team and management).

2). Email – this is the recommended option, simply enter the email of the person you wish to invite into the team, select their role (member or manager) and click the ‘Add member’ button. This will automatically send an email directly to the recipient, from which they can then follow the link to set-up or create their account (this account will sit under your team and management).

How can I delete a team member?

To have the ability to delete team members you must be the team manager.

To delete a team member please log into your account here. Once logged in navigate to My Account and under the Teams tab you will see a list of members within the team, next to each member there are two buttons ‘Remove’ and ‘Set as manager’. Locate the team member you wish to delete and simply click the. ‘Set as manager’ button.

Can I pass on the Corporate Team Manager profile to another person in my team?

Yes, you are able to pass on the team manager role to a fellow team member.

To re-assign the team manager role please log into your account here. Once logged in navigate to My Account and under the Teams tab you will see a list of members within the team, next to each member there are two buttons ‘Remove’ and ‘Set as manager’. Locate the team member you wish to make the manager and simply click the ‘Set as manager’ button.

How can a Team Member reset his/her password?

If a team member has misplaced his/her password he/she can reset it here.