As the leading risk management non-profit sector and professional body in New Zealand, RiskNZ provides opportunities for members to develop skills and capability in risk management and to stay ahead of current issues. RiskNZ Membership connects you with others committed to best practices in risk management.
When you join RiskNZ you become part of a respected professional network, and will receive multiple benefits that include being right amongst thought leaders, obtaining preferential pricing discounts for training events and continuing professional development, along with access to newsletters, discussion forums, and more.
Member’s Area
A restricted RiskNZ Member’s area on the association’s website that provides updates, resources and member-only content for review and use.
Regular Lunchtime Seminars
A yearly programme of Seminars where thought provoking speakers from around NZ share their knowledge and experiences in risk management.
Morning Forums
A meeting of minds the RiskNZ Forums bring together risk practitioners in different cities to discuss in depth a topic of interest that is of practical interest for organisations.
RiskNZ Annual Conference
Annual RiskNZ Conference bringing international and national thought leaders and subject matter experts to network with RiskNZ members and the larger risk community in the country.
RiskNZ annual Awards of Excellence
Every year the RiskNZ Awards of Excellence recognises and rewards outstanding achievements by individuals, teams and organisations in New Zealand.
Preferential pricing discounts
Tap into preferential pricing discounts for events, programs and services delivered by kindred organisations including the IRM (UK), RMIA, PMINZ, IIANZ, IPENZ and more.
Our members’ newsletter bringing together timely and relevant articles on risk practices and trends.
Risk Careers
Career opportunities and job adverts in risk emailed directly to your inbox.
Retirement Rate
Members who have either retired from full-time work or works less than 20 hours per week and requests to be recorded as a Retired Member, will get a 50% discount off the full Individual Member rate.
RiskNZ membership is open to anyone. Applications for membership are submitted to the RiskNZ board for approval. This is usually a very quick process, but please allow up to 10 working days. RiskNZ’s team will be in touch with you as soon as the process is complete.
On membership approval, you will be sent an invoice for your membership fee. RiskNZ Membership takes effect from when you pay your membership fee.
This membership is appropriate for organisations and corporations that want to sign up multiple employees to the same RiskNZ membership.
This membership is for individuals who are involved in the area of risk practice, risk management and risk-oriented decision making in any industry.
This membership is for students who are currently studying to becoming risk practitioners, undertaking risk-related research or studying a different discipline with an intention to become a risk practitioner at a later point in time.